Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Meagan's walking!

Meagan has been walking for about a month now. WOW! I was wondering if she when she was going to walk. Sure enough, she is practically RUNNING now. She goes up and down the hall and back and forth across the living room every day, it's like her laps. She's so funny! She learned tongue last night. She is always sticking her tongue out at me, so I told her what it was called. Apparently that's what she's been wanting to know. She was so happy to try and say tongue. The other night when I was nursing her she put her finger on my nose then on her nose. It was so cute! I said mommy's nose, Meagan's nose. She thought it was great!

While Meagan and I were at the store...

Scott and Cynthia were playing in the backyard. Building dams and lakes, watering the trees, each other. They had so much fun! Scott got a few pics, but not too many. Not while playing with the water. Maybe I can be here and take pics next time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another Cynthia joke...

Q. How did the spoon get in the Rankins yard?
A. It dug it's way...HAAAAAAAA

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scott, Cynthia & Meagan went to the Cowgirl Museum yesterday. The girls had so much fun! I'll go next time. He is Cynthia-her 1st time on a bronco. GO CYNTHIA!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Memories from the past:

I really wish I had gotten in the 'blog business' years ago. I am really terrible about entering things in their baby books. So here is my plan: I (and maybe Scott sometimes) will enter 'memories' in this blog entry. For example Cynthia used to call bugs mups. So this entire entry will be nothing but memories like that. Now to figure how to keep this on the front page...

Interesting side note: the same nurse delivered BOTH of my girls, in the same room! Dr. Whitfield wasn't on call that weekend, so Meagan was delivered by another doc :(


-Used to call bugs mups
-Bottom doesn't have to spit right now (that means going potty)
-Poo-poo bubbles (toot in bath tub)
-When Cynthia was pting-she was sitting on the potty and looking down saying 'on, off, on off' she was starting and stopping peeing!
-she uses her stethoscope to check her baby's (and everyone else too) brain!
-used to 'sneeze' flies away. if there was a fly buzzing around she would fake sneeze at it to make it go away :)


-clicks her tongue when she wants to eat or taste what you have
-Calls COTT sometimes instead of DADDY

-'bocks' like a chicken
-loves her big sis
-she walks up and down the hall and back and forth in the living room practicing walking. for like 20 minutes at a time! lol
-she has the cutest 'cheese' face (for pictures)