Thursday, July 9, 2009
School is starting soon!
Cynthia will be starting pre-k in August!!! OMG! Do you realize how soon that is?! I felt sick and wanted to throw up when I realized just how soon that is. Not only that but I need to buy her clothes for school! We can't afford that! I guess we have to afford them. I just don't know if we can get her enough for school. I just don't want her to have the same experience that I did at the beginning of every school year. Go the day before school starts, get 2 pair of jeans a few shirts (3-5) and 1 pair of shoes. And that was it. Am I being materialistic? I don't think so but I don't know. Anyway I want my girls to be able to have more clothes than that. Not a ton of expensive stuff but just more variety than jeans and shirts. I don't feel like I ever learn how to dress right. Whatever. This isn't about me (not too much) it's about Cynthia's school clothes!
And speaking of clothes, I just went through Meagan's closet and she has nothing to wear for the summer! Well not very much. More than Cynthia but not very much. And because they have such different body types I'm not sure I will be able to hand them down from Cynthia to Meagan. That's why I had them so close together! Oh well.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I'm so jealous!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Family Night at VBS
Afterwards there was food and games. But Mother Nature had something else in mind. When most of the people were done eating-it started to rain. So we all went back inside for a little while. The kids played and sang waiting for the rain to stop. THEN there were tornado warning or watches (whichever is worse-I always forget). She the bounce house and games were cancelled. She was so disappointed.
Now by this time Meagan was really getting to be a handful. I was going to leave with her and let Scott and Cynthia get a ride home with my mom. That didn't happen either. My mom decided to go ahead and go. Then we were about to leave and they (the church people) said there had been a tornado spotted not too far away. YAY FOR US! So we stayed. And waited. And waited. And waited. Hail came. Didn't lose power though, that was good. I was glad we were inside, but I really wanted to get home and check on Gabriel. I had put him out before we left. I didn't know it was going to storm again. Poor baby!
Anyway, we finally got to go home. Stopped and got the girls something to eat in case our power was off again (it wasn't). Pulled the car in the garage (so if the tree falls it won't hit the car). We all ate and they are all in bed now. I can't sleep of course.
peek into a DILT....
Meagan has been helping me put the trash can, the diaper pail and laundry hamper back in her room. Then she helps me put her baby gate in her doorway.
They are just so cute! (if I do say so myself)
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day 3 at VBS
The weather was crazy last night. Big storms. Lost power a couple of times for several hours. We have white noise machines in all the bedrooms. We use them to sleep. Meagan can sleep through almost anything! They other day the power went out and her fan and sound machine were off. She didn't stir! Then last night I put her down with just her mobile music and no fan or sound machine. She went to sleep just fine! When the power came back on, I went in there to turn her stuff on and she didn't still! Glad she sleeps so well.
Also, Cynthia has decided she needs to carry a purse-just like Mommy! :D For those of you who don't know Cynthia is a HUGE daddy's girl so when she does stuff like that it is really special. She also wants a new camera so she can have one like Mommy's. I told her when she gets older maybe we could get her a new one even if it's not exactly like Mommy's. She has a Fisher-Price Kid tough camera and I have a Nikon. Not really a comparison. lol
Monday, June 8, 2009
She seemed to have fun. She was SOOOOOO tired! It is over at 8:30pm which is way past her bedtime. She said the grownups forgot to let them play. lol I explained to her that school is for learning. Sunday School is for learning about God and Jesus. VBS is learning about the Bible. School is for LEARNING. She didn't really get it.
It was pretty funny. I bet she won't be out of bed for anything tonight!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pregnant Mommy just days before Meagan was born:
My two beautiful girls Cynthia & Meagan
Cynthia 'nursing' her baby
What great pictures! (if I do say so myself)
Cynthia's 4th birhday
Here is her the night before with her new bed and bedding
Here she is pretending to be asleep for the camera (she said cheese under the covers lol)
Here is her George cake that I made
Here are the Curious George decorations (and a half naked Meagan in the high chair)
Here is the birthday girl in her pretty dress
She is seeing the decorations for the 1st time
This is the bubble popping sopund thing (didn't work she chose golf clubs from the store instead)
Her magnifying glass (she loves Sid the Science Kid)
Her new bucket and shovel (Sushi chewed up the other ones)
And her skates
In her skate attire
We had a really fun time. Thanks for looking!
Awesome mommy moments...
Today Cynthia is drawing a lot. She is making cards (she's been doing that a lot since she made me a card for Mother's Day), drawing pictures and writing books (pictures w/ letters and then she reads them to me and Meagan). Well she came to me and said
Cynthia: I don't know what color to use. It's confusing.
me: just use whatever color you want
Cynthia: but it's confusing
me: how about blue?
Cynthia:(very excited) Ok! I can use blue! Thanks!
Just a little everyday moment, but I got to be a hero in my daughters' eyes. :) (me beaming)
Friday, April 17, 2009
They just crack me up
Goodness! Goodness! It seems as if I've been gone forever! Here is where we are...
Computer crashed and unfortunately my wonderful friend wasn't able to recover any usable pictures. I am sooooo sad. There were so many pictures on pg belly w/ Meagan, Meagan's 1st b-day, some of family I don't get to see very often, Cynthia's art work, Cynthia just being cute, Meagan being cute, pictures of us at Braums before they closed forever. I can't even remember all the pictures that were on there. Just irreplaceable pictures. I still feel sick when I think of it. MIL has a lot of pics so she burned some disks and gave them to me. I cried when I saw them. It was so nice to see them and yet I'm still sad about the ones that were lost. Here is one of my favorites:
Yes, I know. I don't have any makeup on and I just put it up there for the world to see. I'm over it.
So I ordered an external hard drive and as soon as it gets here I will post some pics from Easter. I have the pics I just don't want to put them on the computer yet. I know that doesn't make any sense but it makes me feel better. lol
Do butterflies have noses?
btw: Butterflies don't have noses and lungs as we do. Butterflies "smell" with their antennae.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Meagan's walking!
While Meagan and I were at the store...
Scott and Cynthia were playing in the backyard. Building dams and lakes, watering the trees, each other. They had so much fun! Scott got a few pics, but not too many. Not while playing with the water. Maybe I can be here and take pics next time.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Memories from the past:
Interesting side note: the same nurse delivered BOTH of my girls, in the same room! Dr. Whitfield wasn't on call that weekend, so Meagan was delivered by another doc :(
-Used to call bugs mups
-Bottom doesn't have to spit right now (that means going potty)
-Poo-poo bubbles (toot in bath tub)
-When Cynthia was pting-she was sitting on the potty and looking down saying 'on, off, on off' she was starting and stopping peeing!
-she uses her stethoscope to check her baby's (and everyone else too) brain!
-used to 'sneeze' flies away. if there was a fly buzzing around she would fake sneeze at it to make it go away :)
-clicks her tongue when she wants to eat or taste what you have
-Calls COTT sometimes instead of DADDY
-'bocks' like a chicken
-loves her big sis
-she walks up and down the hall and back and forth in the living room practicing walking. for like 20 minutes at a time! lol
-she has the cutest 'cheese' face (for pictures)
Friday, February 27, 2009
This is why God made kids so cute...
Meagan and her sister Cynthia are in there dancing to Clifford. That's why God made kids so cute-so we don't strangle them!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
3rd times a charm! And memories from the past...
The second one was to take the place of The Chronicles of Cynthia & Meagan newsletter that I email a few people every so often. Then it turned into a diet blog and vent and just about today.
So, let's try again! This one will be for telling everyone about the girls and pictures and stuff.
Wish me luck!
I don't know why this one is always at the top when I come here but I am going to keep putting the memories in this post. Here goes!
I really wish I had gotten in the 'blog business' years ago. I am really terrible about entering things in their baby books. So here is my plan: I (and maybe Scott sometimes) will enter 'memories' in this blog entry. For example Cynthia used to call bugs mups. So this entire entry will be nothing but memories like that. Now to figure how to keep this on the front page...
Interesting side note: the same nurse delivered BOTH of my girls, in the same room! Dr. Whitfield wasn't on call that weekend, so Meagan was delivered by another doc :(
-Used to call bugs mups
-Bottom doesn't have to spit right now (that means going potty)
-Poo-poo bubbles (toot in bath tub)
-When Cynthia was pting-she was sitting on the potty and looking down saying 'on, off, on off' she was starting and stopping peeing!
-she uses her stethoscope to check her baby's (and everyone else too) brain!
-used to 'sneeze' flies away. if there was a fly buzzing around she would fake sneeze at it to make it go away :)
-clicks her tongue when she wants to eat or taste what you have
-Calls COTT sometimes instead of DADDY
-'bocks' like a chicken
-loves her big sis
-she walks up and down the hall and back and forth in the living room practicing walking. for like 20 minutes at a time! lol
-she has the cutest 'cheese' face (for pictures)
How did I do it when I was working? I would be gone more like 10-12 hours a day! I am really glad I am able to stay home with the girls now. It would be torture if I had to be gone that long. I am very fortuate to have a hubby that understands that and wants me to stay home. I feel guilty about it sometimes. That he is out there working and I'm not. Then I remind myself that I am working too. Just around here. In some ways it is the most important job in the world. I am helping to raise two wonderful, compasstionate, caring girls. (I hope). I guess they are my gift to the world.
Diet-wise about even. Not too great, not too bad. Since I spent most of my day in the car, I mostly ate the snacks I brought with me. Went over a little because of the Whataburger and Sonic. Maybe I'll go for a walk tomorrow or shoot some hoops.
Friday, February 20, 2009
I got my new camera!
SO can you tell which one is the new camera?
Is it camera A?
Or is it camera B?
Waaaay down below the posts!
Monday, February 16, 2009
My sister is a hero!
I was visiting my sister at her apartment last night and there had been a smoke alarm going off for quite a while. They had tried knocking on the door and no one answered. My sister just had this nagging feeling about the man that lives there. So she went back over there. Knocking, knocking no answer. So she opened the door and smoke was pouring out! She yelled for her boyfriend to call 911 and went in yelling saying 'hello! hello!' Still no answer. The smoke was so think she couldn't see. I told her to come out and if she had to go in there then at least get a wet towel for her face and and a flashlight.
Well the little old man that lives there is asleep on the bed. She practically had to carry him out! He was fighting her because he was disoriented and half asleep. She saved his life!!! None of the other neighbors did anything until after she did. I am so proud of my sister!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Knee cleared!
-Yippee! My knee has been cleared by the doc. I can start working out again tomorrow. I was gonna do it tonight, but I'm too tired. I will get up in the am w/ S, and wake-up and either walk around the block or do the DVD workout. Maybe both. Depends how I feel. I am up for 2 challenges. One is a Biggest Loser type and the other is 1000 minutes of exercise in Feb. I'm already behind! I should hurry! Weight loss is up to almost 8lbs. It was almost 10lbs, but the I had a couple of days of really bad eating. It's funny, I can't eat as much crap as I used to. For example, we had Chicken Fried Steak the other night (great diet food) and I ate a 'normal' amount and felt sick! Okay, maybe it was a little more than normal, but it wasn't THAT much. I have found that my body doesn't want the fatty crap as much. I do still crave caffeine and sugar and indulge a little bit on the sweets (haven't even tried to cut out the caffeine). I figure I should listen to my body and if it wants a little bit of a treat, then do it otherwise I might over eat.
Let's see, what else has been going on...Oh! I'm getting a new camera. Well, new to me. It is a Nikon D40x. It's not exactly what I wanted, but it probably what I need. You know since I don't know anything about photography. LOL! I'm also getting one of my dogs and my cat fixed. That is the most exciting news, actually. I am so tired of the horny kitty and Gabriel acting stupid when Sushi is in heat. Sushi first, then Gizmo. Maybe I could do them both at the same time. I need to get a carrier for the kitty.
We hope to put some money aside for the house emergency fund, get caught up on bills, get car stuff taken care of and buy the girls some clothes! I am so EXCITED! C needs shoes so bad. I actually dreamt we bought her new shoes. I want to get her at least one really good pair. The others can be WM or whatever, but one really good pair.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Our 5 year anniversary!
Today was our 5 year anniversary or birthday. It was 5 years ago today that I went to my first meeting. So much has changed!
1. We got married.
2. Quit smoking.
3. Had 2 kids.
4. Bought a house.
5. Changed jobs 5 times.
6. Became a SAHM.
7. I think we are on our 6th car!
I'm sure there is more, but I can't think of anymore right now. Anyway we went out to eat, all four of us! It was pretty fun. I was surprised. The girls were so good! They were very good at the resturant. Then we went to Kohl's and C was a monster! Not really, she just kept running around and driving me crazy. We exchanged some clothes and bought an extra outfit for C. We were going to get shoes, but Kohl's doesn't sell shoes! I was surprised. I hope we can get some tomorrow. She needs shoes for church.
She is only 3.5yo and I was shocked with some of the clothes for her size. I know she is tall for her age, but I am so not ready for those clothes! She is just a little girl! I really have to work on getting over that. I really do not want her to take on my hangups.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Christmas and New Years
Well it's been just over a month since I was on here last. Let's see what's been going on. We had Christmas at home, my parents and DH parents houses. Lot's of Christmas! It was a really nice time.
New Year resolutions:
-Of course the weight loss one
-clean house better: more 'green'
-follow thru more with the 'Love & Logic' stuff
-recycle -this one is for DD, she has been more aware of recycling and we are not setting a good example.
-spend more quality time with my girls
-stop worrying about stuff I can't control (stole that one from ambercamp)
-go for a walk at least once a week and build up from there
-and be a better person overall (stole that one too )
I also started a food log today. I'm not really sure how many calories I should have every day. I can't find any place that tells me since I am still bfing. I ate 2700 calories today. And I was still kinda hungry. I think it's the foods that I am eating. I found a website that actually helps me find foods to eat. With calorie information. I also am going on and if I am out or can't get to my computer I have a paper log.
As for the house cleaning one, well.....I hate to clean. When I was working I could do whatever needed to be done. I guess what I need is to be held accountable. But the only person that will come down on me for not cleaning is me. If DH did I would be pissed. Remind me of growing up. Love my mom, but I don't want my DH treating me the way my dad treated my mom. I keep thinking that I need a schedule of some sort, but it is really hard to get started. I want everything to be spotless when I start and that is never going to happen. I really just need to pick a room and start there. I keep telling myself that...
Love & Logic stuff. Working on that. It is really tough! The other day I was able to give C a bath and wash her hair without her screaming! It was awesome! Today, she left a barbie outside and Sushi chewed a barbie hand off. I broke it to her and she was sad but it was anything like I thought it would be. It broke my heart to have to tell her.
Haven't done anything with the recycling yet. I need to find out who takes what in terms of recycling. Plastic bottles, bags, lights bulbs, etc. You know the usual.
I try everyday to spend more quality time with DDs. I am trying to cuddle and read to them every day.
Haven't started walking yet. Someone might see me! I know I'm a freak. Can't help it.